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Florent Chossière wins the Defender of Rights 2023 Thesis Prize

The Défenseur des Droits is an independent institution in France whose essential mission is to protect the rights and freedoms of citizens, ensuring compliance with legislation and combating discrimination.

On November 30, 2023, Florent Chossière, Doctor of Geography, postdoctoral researcher at the Institut Convergences Migrations and associate researcher at the Analyse Comparée des Pouvoirs laboratory at the Université Gustave Eiffel, was awarded the Prix de Thèse by the Défenseur des Droits. This distinction was awarded in recognition of his thesis entitled: "Sexual and gender minorities in exile. Minority experience put to the test of migration and asylum seeking in France".

The 21st century has witnessed a profound transformation in the political landscape concerning migration issues. Growing global trade, international conflicts, climate upheaval and aspirations for a better life have led to a remarkable increase in migratory movements around the world. However, these migration trajectories are characterized not only by their increasing numbers, but also by their growing complexity, marked by the major issues underlying each move.


Florent Chossière chose to explore these issues in his thesis entitled "Sexual and gender minorities in exile: the minority experience of migration and asylum seeking in France". His multi-award-winning work offers an in-depth understanding of two key aspects. On the one hand, it analyzes the complexity of the migration routes taken by people persecuted for their sexual orientation or minority gender identity in their country of origin. On the other, it highlights the challenges these individuals face when applying for asylum in France.

Florent explains, "Looking at the journeys of these individuals, we see that the reality is far more complex than a simple migration from a space of oppression to a space of total freedom." In particular, he points out that "the asylum procedure in France involves numerous obstacles for LGBT+ exiles, from access to the procedure itself to the difficulties of providing a life story perceived as credible by the institutions enabling them to be granted refugee status".

In his thesis, Florent takes a close look at the experiences of LGBT+ asylum seekers, examining their migration path from a geographical perspective, the preparation of their asylum application, and the social, material and economic repercussions of the precarious status of asylum seeker.

Having spent three years as a volunteer with ARDHIS (Association pour la Reconnaissance des Droits des Personnes Homosexuelles et Trans en matière d'Immigration et de Séjour), where he carried out his fieldwork and actively worked in the asylum department, Florent has had the opportunity to provide vital support to individuals involved in the asylum application process. He explains: "During the period of their asylum application, a significant number of asylum seekers are not offered accommodation by the public authorities and are not allowed to work. They find themselves in a highly precarious situation for several months, or even years, while waiting for their asylum application to be considered."

Beyond the obvious social issues, this research raises a fundamental ethical question. With this in mind, the award of the Defender of Rights Thesis Prize represents not only recognition for Florent, but also an opportunity to raise society's awareness of this issue. The researcher's next objective is to find a publisher to publish his thesis in book form.


Other awards and distinctions :

  • Prix de thèse du Comité National Français de Géographie, 2023 (Unique accessit)
  • Prix de thèse Université Paris-Est, pour l’Ecole Doctorale Cultures et Sociétés, 2023
  • Prix de thèse de la Chancellerie des Universités de Paris, mention Lettres et sciences humaines toutes spécialités, 2023

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